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Admission Arrangements


Admission Arrangements


Applying for School

The application process is now all online and you must ensure that you apply on the Tameside Council website at www.tameside.gov.uk/schools/admissions .


Tameside Council will allocate school places according to their School Admissions Policy. This can be viewed on the Tameside Council website www.tameside.gov.uk/schools/admissions.


Applying for Nursery 

To apply for a place at Nursery, please call into school to complete an application form or download and print off a form from the link below and return it to the school. You must call into the school to show us your child's birth certificate. We follow Tameside's admission policy which can be viewed on the Tameside website.

Please click below for the dates of the upcoming applications and admissions form for our nursery


Nursery and Reception School Admissions | Millbrook Primary School (secure-primarysite.net)