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In addition to the homework tasks on the below sheets, Super Scoder homework activities will also be posted on the class story.  There may be one or two each week, depending on what is taught in class.  Five dojos will be awarded for each completed and submitted Super Scoder.  Please let me know if you would like printed copies sent home.


Google Classroom - one activity will be set each half term.  Dojo points will be awarded for work completed and uploaded to Google Classroom.

Homework Sheets

TT Rockstars


Children should practice their times tables for 10 minutes each day.  


To login, visit https://play.ttrockstars.com/


Usernames and passwords have been stuck on the inside cover of your child's homework book.



Login details can be found in the front cover of your child's homework book.


Children can log in at home to complete grammar and spelling activities.  The more points they earn, the healthier their llama is!




Login details can be found in the front cover of your child's homework book.


I will set a block of lessons at the start of each half term linked to the area of maths we are currently working on in class.  The children can work on these lessons over the course of the half term and don't need to complete them all at once.


Children can earn certificates on Mathletics.  To get a Bronze Certificate, they need to earn 1000 points in a week.  To get a Silver Certificate, they need to earn 5 bronze certificates and to get a Gold Certificate, they need to earn 4 Silver Certificates.  I will award 5 dojos for bronze, 10 dojos for silver and 15 dojos for gold.