Home Page

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 class page

Welcome to the fabulous world of year 1. 

Year 1 Team 

Class Teacher - Miss Paul                   Teaching Assistant- Miss Aslam

If you are worried and would like to talk to someone you can always log your worry with at leanne.connelly@millbrook.tameside.sch.uk

Weekly Reminders 

Monday -  Homework in via DOJO Forest School (afternoon)

Tuesday - 

Wednesday -  Library (morning) 

Thursday -  PE (afternoon)

Friday - Miss Smith   (Miss Paul not in class)


  • PE kit (white t-shirt, pants, shorts and pumps) 

  • Forest School Kit (old clothes, including a jacket/water proof coat that you don’t mind getting muddy) They can use wellies from the welly shed.  Forest groups will be different each half term. The children that will be going out this half term will be notified. 


Knowledge Organiser 

Year 1 LTP

FRE Parents Fact File 

Our Classroom

Phonics workshop

Reading support 

Printable resources 

Phonics Screening examples

Read Write Inc Phonics resources to support

Parent booklet 

Letter formation 

Green words 

Red words

Maths Recall Facts 


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