We appreciate that parents/carers who are new to our school will have many questions and concerns. Staff at the school are often asked questions in relation to your child’s education, school timings, procedures and a myriad of other topics. We won’t have answered them all here of course but we have provided answers below to our most commonly asked questions in the hope that parents are able to find information they are looking for quickly without having to take time out to contact the school. If your particular question is not answered here then please do contact the school via our contact us page or via email mail@millbrook.tameside.sch.uk
The school day starts promptly at 8.45am and ends at 3.15pm.
2. How do I pay for trips/snack fund etc?
The school use Iris Parent mail to collect money for trips and other chargeable events. To sign up you will be sent a link to set up an account (if you do not have a link please see the office). The website is: https://pmx.parentmail.co.uk/#core/login We will accept cash payments as an alternative.
3. When do after school clubs run?
They run Monday to Thursday every week. They begin as soon as the term does. There are no clubs in the final week of a full term (Christmas week, Easter week, Summer week). Clubs do not run when parents’ evenings are on. If clubs are ever cancelled you will be informed via parent mail or ClassDojo.
4. Where can I buy uniform?
You can buy uniform from brigade, MCS Stores, Tesco. You can see the uniform policy at https://www.millbrook.tameside.sch.uk/uniform/
5. What do I do if my child needs medication?
You need to go into the office and fill in a medication form. You will need to bring the medication with you with a clearly labelled box/bottle. Please be aware we can only administer medication which has been prescribed by a doctor. Most medication can be administeredbefore and after school. There is always an option for a parent or carer to come into school and administer it themself.
You can see the medical policy here: Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Protocol
6. How do I report my child’s absence?
You can let us know by ringing in or emailing us at attendance@millbrook.tameside.sch.uk. Leave a message on the answering machine by dialling 1 to report an absence. Please leave your child’s name, class, reason for absence & nature of illness if your child is unwell. Alternatively, if you are dropping off other children at school, you can notify Mrs King or the office directly. Please note we can only accept messages from people with parental responsibility for the child.
7. What is breakfast club?
Breakfast club is a free service which runs from 8.25am until the start of the school day. The children can have a healthy breakfast in this club. You need to book your child into breakfast club, please see the office.
8. What is the parking system?
9. How can I speak to a teacher?
Using class dojo is a good way to ask your child’s class teacher a quick question. If you need an in depth chat you can make an appointment after school. There are also parents evenings and mornings every term.
10. How to I request a holiday?
Holiday request forms are available in the office. This will need to be submitted to school. Please note that the school do not allow holidays in school time and holidays will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances.
More information can be found: https://www.millbrook.tameside.sch.uk/attendance/
11. How do I apply for a nursery/ reception place?
You can call in the office for an application form for a nursery place (please bring your child’s birth certificate along) . If you require a reception place further details are on this page: https://www.millbrook.tameside.sch.uk/nursery-admissions/
12. When are the school holidays?
13. Can my child bring in sweets for their birthday?
We are a healthy school so children are not able to bring in food for birthdays (it also in line with our policy on allergies). If you would like to celebrate your child's birthday with the class then a birthday book is recommended.
14. How do I sign up for milk?
You can sign up for school milk using the link: https://www.coolmilk.com/
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