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At Millbrook Primary & Nursery School we strive to help our pupils to be effective, critical and creative thinkers and to take responsibility for their own learning in a caring and collaborative environment.


We do this by providing an enquiry based curriculum and Philosophy for Children (P4C) where pupils are encouraged to ask questions and find the answers through discussion. Thus, developing the ability to recognise differences and explore these constructively.



Our Aims are that:


- We provide caring and collaborative classrooms where pupils learn to listen to, respect and question each other.


-  Pupils are empowered through their learning to think for themselves.


-  Pupils learn the skills to be clear in their thinking so that they can explain their ideas and give good reasons for their views.


-  Pupils can test for truth by gathering information, evaluating evidence, examples and counter examples.


-  Pupils can expand ideas by sustaining and extending lines of thought and argument.


-  Pupils can summarise by abstracting key points or general rules from a number of ideas or instances.


-  Pupils have a positive attitude to their learning and take responsibility for it.


-  The school can use an enquiry based curriculum and P4C methods to raise standards of attainment.


- This approach will help to develop higher levels of self esteem and intellectual confidence.




Current Framework:



-  Millbrook Primary School is part of the EEF Research Project to determine the impact regular P4C and enquiry has on pupils' attainment and achievement.


-  All teachers and Teaching Assistants have completed Staff Training in P4C.


-  Nine teachers and TAs have completed Level One P4C training.


- Two KS2 Teachers are in the process of completing Level Two P4C training.


- The P4C Coordinator is currently completing the Sapere Level Three qualification.


- Each child from Y1-Y6 has a P4C journal within which they can write any reflections during and outside the enquiry.


- A set of assessment criteria has been agreed by Teachers to track progress.


-  Philosophy skills building activities will be incorporated into Guided Reading activities.


- An enquiry approach is conducted in a range of subjects, including science, maths, topic and RE.


-  P4C enquiries are facilitated in KS2 every week and KS1 every fortnight alongside skills building activities.



For more inspiration visit www.p4c.com  and www.thephilosophyman.com 

Coordinator: Mrs Ashton