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Speech, Language and Communication

Communication is central to everything we do. It affects who we are, how we learn and how we interact with other people at home, at school and at work.


Speech, language and communication are crucial to every child's ability to access and get the most out of education and life.  Communication and language is one of the three prime areas in the Early Years Foundation Stage and involves giving the children opportunities to:


Experience a rich language environment

Development their confidence and skills in expressing themselves

Speak and listen in a range of situations


We at Millbrook Primary School strive to create an environment in which EVERY child can develop their speech, language and communication skills. We believe that the most effective way to support children in their development is working in partnership with those who are most important to our children - their parents and carers.


Children’s learning and competence in communicating, speaking and listening, being read to and beginning to read and write must be supported. At Millbrook we provide every child with the opportunity and encouragement to use their skills in a range of situations and for a range of purposes, and every child is supported in developing the confidence and disposition to do so.





We have become a "Voice 21 Oracy School" which will develop our practice . They work with schools to transform the learning and life chances of young people through talk. 

Why Oracy Matters - Voice 21 


Oracy-21 exists to increase access to high-quality oracy education, particularly for those children that need it most. They achieve this by working in partnership with teachers and schools via their Voice 21 Oracy Schools membership.

Top tips for parents: Speech and language